Buy a painting - how to choose?


picture- MR.Art

One contemporary artist said that the days when people chose a “picture” on the market said: “For me, please, this one, green one…” Probably, this is partly true. In the late 90s, there was a "boom" in fine art, when people, after making repairs, decided to change the carpet to something "fashionable, unusual, beautiful."

Today this approach to the purchase of painting has been preserved, but the demand for "pictures" has dropped significantly. People who are indifferent to painting more often began to think about the style of performance, the professionalism of the artist, the features of his work, handwriting. The choice of a painting by the buyer began to be determined not only by what is depicted on the canvas, but also by how it is depicted. And such a buyer began to visit a gallery or a specialized salon more often, where he can get acquainted with various works of professional artists.

Painting is bought not only by collectors, art critics, but also people who like painting and who want to decorate their home with it. In this case, the person begins to get lost in the search for the desired picture. On the one hand, the choice is naturally influenced by personal preference. On the other hand, you need to take into account whether the chosen painting will fit the interior, and much more. This is where the fun begins.

The uninitiated buyer can be advised to take into account several points:

First, you need to decide on the price. (The price range on the art market is very wide).
Secondly, to choose really what you like (although this concept is very subjective).
Thirdly, within the framework of their preferences, choose professionally performed work.
Fourthly, think about how harmoniously the chosen work of art will fit into your interior.

The picture can look not only as a background, imperceptibly blending into the overall interior. She can play the role of some kind of accent. And the accent should, as you know, stand out - including color. In this case, if you have a light green wall, then rich red and violet can serve as an accent ... However, any accent is a kind of underline. it should be small in size and not often repeated in the interior. For example, in underlining the main points in the text, we do not underline the entire paragraph. So it is here.

The next point to remember is the plot of the picture. That is, what is shown. There are many genres in the visual arts: landscape, still life, genre composition, portrait, cityscape, etc. But within the framework of each individual genre, the plot of the canvas can be very different.

The choice of the plot of the painting by the buyer is, of course, a matter of taste, but you need to remember: will the chosen plot fit into your interior?

Fifthly, if you are buying a series of works, and not one painting, then the exposition should be organized in the same style. The baguette from which the frames are made, and the work of art itself, and the location on the wall should obey this style (for example, you can align the canvases along the bottom edge or along the top, hang the paintings not on the same level, but alternate them at different heights).

In conclusion, I would like to say that buying a painting is really art. After all, here you also need to have a sense of proportion, and taste, and to some extent, knowledge of the art market, i.e. know where and what to buy. Therefore, I would like to hope that the number of buyers who choose not a “colorful” picture, but a real work of painting will increase over time.

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