Buy a painting from an artist or a gallery?

Since 2000, virtual galleries, personal sites of artists began to gain strength ...
However, with all the variety of opportunities for a potential buyer, finding what you need can be difficult. If the buyer is a person who has recently made repairs in the apartment and he needs some kind of picture to fill the void on the wall, then a trader in the market will be enough for him. There he will be offered a great variety of such pictures. But it is not always possible to call these paintings painting. Most often, unfortunately, these are just "decorations"

If the role of the buyer is played by a person who is fond of painting, then regardless of his level of awareness in the field of fine arts, an ordinary bazaar will not be enough for him. In this case, he can turn to any specialized salon or gallery. There he will be told the biographies of the artists, and describe their career. Dedicated to the intricacies of art history. They will talk about various styles in painting, about the handwriting of the authors and the painterly manner of artists. But the prices here are also the same. Moreover, the promotion of the gallery is unpredictable. It can be modest, or it can be several times higher than the price indicated by the artist.

The next category is a very serious buyer - perhaps a collector, for example. This category is at the top of the art market.

But after describing the three categories of potential buyers, let's return to the question at the beginning of the article. Which is better - buy a painting from an artist or in a gallery? And if, after all, the artist, then how to do it? In terms of the price of painting, it is much more profitable to buy a painting directly from an artist. In the modern art market, there is a lot of speculation on the name of the artist. For a sketch of the same artistic value, but a little-known author, you will pay much less. And for the eminent artist you will be asked for an astronomical sum. Although the picturesque qualities of the same canvas, but that of some provincial artist, is no worse. Maybe even better. After all, the old school of painting is losing its traditions. And every year this is more and more obvious.

Despite the fact that it will be easier for an inexperienced buyer to reach the nearest shop in the market, and a serious buyer on the Internet will generally do business in a row. Then what is the advantage of the Internet? The fact is that people who are more or less interested in painting can find the artist whose work they like. Having found such an author, they can already search for his paintings in galleries and salons.

Therefore, I wish everyone who is not indifferent to painting to use the Internet as a modern and powerful search tool.

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